Thesis defense of Santiago González

On the 30th May, our colleague Santiago González presented his doctoral thesis, titled "Design of a cross-layer scheme for the balance between energy efficiency and Quality of Servicio in multimedia traffic transmission in ad hoc networks". The Doctoral Thesis Tribunal was composed by Dr. Álvaro Suárez Sarmiento, from la Universidad de Las…

SOLSR open source

We include a new open source library in our website. Strategic OLSR (SOLSR) consists of a variant of the standard routing protocol OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing, RFC 3626), which is one of the most widely used protocols in ad hoc wireless networks. In this sort of networks, nodes are generally…

New web!

New web! First, the appearance has changed, with a more modern and responsive design, that allows a correct visualization in all type of terminals. In addition, we have modified some sections of the web, including new sections: Why? 10 reasons to work with us. In 10 points, the main reasons…